SVGC Insurance Reminder

Published on 6th July 2023 in Latest News, Public Latest News

Members are reminder of the changes to the Club insurance policy that came into place at the end of the financial year.  As noted below, The Club is no longer able to provide the insurance policy to cover members’ golf equipment and golf ball damage to motor vehicles. 

Our broker has reported that the insurers have advised that the policy design is seen as problematic whereby a golf club is the named insured (holds the policy) but with individual retail consumer beneficiaries.

Insurers see this as breach of the recently introduced group purchasing bodies legislative changes and adherence to “product design & distribution obligations”. Due to legislation, it restricts insurers underwriting scope and has resulted in this desired cover no longer being available.

It is the Club’s recommendation that members seek alternate cover for their golf equipment, such as through home and contents policies.

Please Note – Member’s Liability Insurance will continue. All golf club members have Players Personal Liability Insurance coverage as part of their Golf Australia affiliation fee. Broadly this policy covers the legal liability of members to pay compensation for personal injury or property damage which occurs while playing or practising golf or attending a golf event or venue as a player, guest or spectator.

Whilst the SVGC Liability insurance provides cover for incidents such as damage to third party property and bodily injury, it is preferred to have the ‘hitter of the ball’ claim via the Golf Australia Personal Liability policy, as the lodging of claims via the SVGC policy can have effects on the policy premiums, excesses payable and possibly cover in the future.

Based on this, it is recommended that clubs do all they can to make members aware of the Golf Australia Personal Liability policy, including the benefits of these claims going through the Golf Australia policy, rather than via the club. It is recommended that we direct members to make a note of any errant shots which may result in a claim being lodged. It is also worth noting that there is no penalty to the individual member if a claim is lodged via Golf Australia, and our brokers will handle the claims process to further make it a hassle free process for the members.

So what we need you all to remember is this –  

SVGC are not liable for any damage or injury caused by a member or green fee player on this course. All players are responsible for their own actions.

SVGC members and green fee players with a Golf Link handicap automatically have Personal Liability insurance through Golf Australia.

We request that any errant shots that cause damage or injury, or may have caused damage or injury, be documented in the register at the club/pro-shop at the completion of the round.

No excess is required to be paid when making a claim under the member’s Personal Liability policy through Golf Australia.

June 19, 2023: SVGC Insurance

Up until the upcoming insurance renewal Spring Valley Members have been covered by the club’s Member Protection Insurance policy.  The Member Protection policy provided cover to members for loss or damage to golf equipment anywhere in the country as well as cover for Personal Accident and Motor Vehicle damage. Unfortunately, we have been informed that the insurers will not be offering that policy beyond the current policy, which expires on 30th June 2023.

While a number of Clubs passed this Members Insurance cost on to their members, Spring Valley members were covered by this insurance at no additional cost. 

Our brokers are looking at other options, however they have advised us that it is unlikely that there will be a policy in place beyond the current policy expiring on 30th June 2023.  It is also unlikely there will be any insurers offering this particular suite of cover.

To that end, Members are encouraged to review their own house and or contents insurance to ensure their golf clubs are covered, with particular interest shown to the clause around Specified Sporting Items, as a number of policies have a limit of $500 for sporting goods.

Golf Australia maintains a Player’s Personal Liability Insurance Policy for all members of affiliated golf clubs.

Broadly this policy covers the legal liability of members to pay compensation for personal injury or property damage which occurs while playing or practising golf or attending a golf event or venue as a player, guest or spectator.

See the attachments below for more details and for the claim form. 

Once completed, the claim for should be sent directly to Sportscover by email to

The cover is provided up to a limit of $20 million.  

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