Local Rules
Local Rules and Temporary Local Rules on the noticeboard are to be read in conjunction with the Rules of Golf.
- Out of bounds: All ground beyond the club fencing is out of bounds and Rule 18.2b applies.
- Penalty areas (Rule 17):
- Yellow stakes define yellow penalty areas.
- Red stakes and/or lines define red penalty areas.
- Whilst playing the 12thhole, the pondage is to be treated as a red penalty area and whilst playing the 13thhole the pondage is to be treated as a yellow penalty area and Rule 17.1d applies.
- Abnormal course condition no play zone: The following areas are defined as no play zones and ground under repair and free relief must be taken from interference by the no play zone under Rule 16.1f:
- Garden beds surrounding the clubhouse and in the car park.
- Those areas the margins of which are defined by white stakes, white lines, ground under repair signage and accompanying rope.
- The apron surrounding the practice putting green. The apron is defined as the narrow strip of grass that runs between the putting green and the paved walkways extending from the front of the clubhouse to the 1st The apron ceases where the strip of grass broadens into wider areas.
- Staked trees and shrubs: Staked trees and staked shrubs are no play zones andare ground under repair. If the ball lies in a no play zone within a penalty area, the ball must not be played as it lies and relief must be taken from interference by the no play zone under Rule 17.1e.
- Immovable obstructions close to the putting green: Rule 16.1b applies to immovable obstructions close to the putting greens. In addition to the types of interference described in Rule 16.1a, interference also exists if an immovable obstruction is:
- on the player’s line of play,
- within two club-lengths of the putting green, and
- within two club-lengths of the ball.
(Exception – There is no relief under this Local Rule if the player chooses a line of play that is clearly unreasonable.)
- Washaways in bunkers: Washaways in bunkers are considered abnormal course conditions and relief may be taken in accordance with Rule 16.1c.
- Stakes and roped areas: Some areas may be roped off with wooden or metal stakes to direct traffic or prohibit the entrance of carts or buggies and are not ground under repair unless defined by Local Rule 3. If the stakes and ropes are not defining ground under repair, they are movable obstructions and the player may take relief under Rule 15.2.
- Stakes and guards: Stakes and guards at trees and shrubs and stakes defining penalty areas and ground under repair are immovable obstructions and Rule 16.1 applies.
- Stroke and Distance:
Spring Valley Golf Club has NOT adopted Local Rule E-5 – the alternative option for a ball that is lost outside of a penalty area, or out of bounds.
Therefore, there is only one permissible way to proceed with a ball that is lost outside a penalty area, or out of bounds, and that is per Rule 18.2, Stroke and Distance.
Go back to where your previous stroke was played from and follow Rule 14.6.
We STRONGLY encourage all players that believe their ball may be lost outside of a penalty area, or out of bounds, to play a provisional ball under Rule 18.3.
Make sure to announce you are playing a provisional ball before you make a stroke at it.
- Local Rule: Nursery Green:
When playing the 2nd, 3rd or 7th hole and your ball ends up inside the white stakes surrounding the nursery green, playing from this area is prohibited. You must take relief at the nearest dropping zone which is marked by a blue stake. Drop within 1 club length of the drop zone stake marker. No nearer the hole. If the nearest drop zone stake is closer to the hole that is permitted. Rule 16 1F.
- Local Rule: 9th & 18th:
When playing the 9th or 18th hole and your ball ends up on the practice putting green or its fringe playing from this position is prohibited. You must take relief at the dropping zone and drop within 1 club length for the drop zone marker. No nearer the hole. The drop zones are marked by a blue square on the ground with DZ clearly marked. On the 9th hole the drop zone is located back left of the green. On the 18th the drop zone is also back right of the green. Rule 16 1F
- 12th Hole Red Penalty Area Additional Option For Those Golf Balls That Last Crossed Between the Red Stakes with Blue Tops:
If a player’s ball is in the Red penalty area when playing hole 12, including when it is known or virtually certain to be in that penalty area even though not found, the player has these relief options, each for one penalty stroke:
• The player may take relief under Rule 17.1, or
• As an extra option: If the player’s ball last crossed into the Red Penalty Area between the ‘Red Stakes with Blue Tops’ the player may drop the original ball or another ball within the nearest dropping zone identified as a one club-length diameter from the outer-edge of the Red paving stone. The dropping zone is a relief area under Rule 14.3.
Penalty for Playing Ball from a Wrong Place in Breach of Local Rule: General Penalty Under Rule 14.7a.The drop zones are located to the back left and back right of the 12th green
- No Play Zone – Left Hand Side of 12th Hole:
The area defined by ropes on the left hand side of the 12th hole has been declared as a no play zone. If a player’s ball lies within this area, the player must take relief under Rule16.1b.
A ball may be dropped without penalty at the nearest drop zone, which may be closer to the hole or the nearest point of relief
Penalties for breach of local rules: Unless otherwise noted, the penalty for a breach of a Local Rule is the general penalty (stroke play – two strokes, match play – loss of hole).
Course toilet facilities are located near the 4thgreen.Distances marked on sprinkler heads are measured to the front of the greens.