Members Achievements: Ollie Battistella

Published on 5th April 2023 in Latest News, Public Latest News

Following his inaugural season of Junior Pennant in 2022, 12 year old Ollie Battistella who is a cadet member at Spring Valley, has just completed the US Kids Golf Autumn Tour, which is a series of stroke events, with all participants playing off scratch, regardless of their individual handicap.

After a couple of nail-biting matches, including a tied 2nd with the leader going into the final round, Ollie is set to take out 3rd place which is a wonderful achievement considering this was his first tour, and most of the other boys have been involved with US Kids Golf for several seasons. 

Ollie has gained tremendous competitive experience from these events, and is looking forward to helping Spring Valley take the extra step in this year’s Junior Pennant tournament, after the team suffered a narrow, and devastating loss in the final round in 2022.

Ollie has been taking lessons at Spring Valley on Saturday mornings since age 5, and has had various coaches over this period, providing a terrific focus on different aspects of golf.  After a recent lesson with Marty Joyce, Ollie is as keen as ever and plans to get out on the course over the coming school holidays, hoping to outdo his older brother Gilbert, who won his first Spring Valley competition at age 13.

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