Members Achievements: Jasper Xu

Published on 4th April 2023 in Latest News, Public Latest News

Members would have seen several articles on the Club website over the last few days highlighting the achievements and efforts of some of their fellow Members.

A number of our Cadet members have been doing wonderful things recently and we are thrilled to highlight the incredible achievement of one of our youngest members, 7-year-old Jasper Xu. Jasper has recently qualified for the U.S. Kids Golf World Championship 2023 in the Age 7 group, an incredible accomplishment for such a young golfer.

Jasper is no doubt thrilled to be participating in such a prestigious event, and he is looking forward to the opportunity to compete against other young golfers from around the world. We are incredibly proud of Jasper’s achievement and believe that he is a shining example of the talent and passion that our young members bring to the sport of golf.

Jasper can be found out practicing most days at Spring Valley Golf Club.  

At Spring Valley Golf Club, we are committed to promoting the sport of golf and supporting the development of our young members. We believe that by highlighting their achievements, we can inspire others to take up the sport and enjoy the many benefits it has to offer. We wish Jasper and all our young members the best of luck in their future endeavors and look forward to seeing them continue to thrive on the course.

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