Golf Improvement Evening
Published on 13th May 2021 in Club Events, GSC/Pro, Latest News, Public Latest NewsOn Wednesday May 12th, close to 100 members and guests enjoyed the first of what we hope to be many member engagement events. Our Member Engagement Group have been working very hard behind the scenes, and along with Travis Harrison put together an event that was very well received by those who were there.
The speakers, one could argue are some of the best in the business in Travis Harrison, Marty Joyce, Darren Lay & Jonathan Law, and the topics covered were relevant to all.
Travis helped us learn about dispelling golfing myths, Marty gave everyone an insight into some tour secrets that all golfers can use, Darren spoke about golf injuries and rehabilitation while Jonathan finished up with a session on understanding technology and what that means for our equipment.
It would be remiss of us to go into detail and the specifics of each talk, as that may impact your attendance at the next Member engagement event, but what we can report is that the gifts of the Pro Vs and the lucky door prizes were particularly popular! We can also say, that those who were unable to attend should keep a close eye on the event calendar for the other events, as they will be very popular!
A special thanks to the hard workers on the Member Engagement Group, lead by Rhea Martin, and our guest speakers on the night, particularly Travis who was a great help to Rhea with the organisation of the event. The hospitality team also put on a great show, looking after everyone with a lovely selection of canapés to round out the evening.
All members are encouraged to keep an eye out for the next club event.
Pictured below are the speakers on the evening, you can click on the images to enlarge them.