Celebrating Our Legends – Ian Curry

Published on 3rd September 2024 in Celebrating our Legends, GSC/Pro, Guests News, Latest News, Public Latest News

Ian’s sporting prowess was initially at cricket as a slow left arm spinner, playing grade/district cricket in Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide and New Zealand, transferring across multiple locations during his work with Colonial Mutual. 

It was in NZ that his golf journey commenced, playing at Hutt Golf Club in Wellington for approximately 6 years.  In 1983 Ian transferred back to Melbourne and having worked with former SV captain, Jim Horton and fellow member Bob Brain, it was an easy decision for Ian to make in joining Spring Valley in 1984 for what was to become a 40-year journey (and hopefully many more years to come).  In those days, membership applications required dressing up in a suit and tie and being formally interviewed by 3 Board Members.  Ian recalls a $500 joining fee for a restricted member (A provisional), eventually becoming a full member within 12 months.

Playing off a 13-15 handicap for many years, Ian hits a low, long ball – a bit like some of his beautifully timed cricket shots!! His golf achievements have included:

  • Presidents Trophy
  • Captains Trophy
  • Inaugural Friendly Cup as part of a team of 4
  • Alan Mantle medal
  • 3 x hole-in-one (10th and twice on the 3rd).

His first hole in one on the 3rd was unusual as the pin was cut close to the bunker and when the ball hit the green it bounced off the slope preventing him and his playing partners from seeing the result.  Imagine his surprise when he reached the green and peered into the hole!  There was no such surprise, however, for the other two as he saw them go in.

Ian has fond memories of the old clubhouse and spike bar, where the Club was a magnet for swapping lots of stories over a quiet drink or two, and frequent social events.  The Doug Horne hot dogs, mentioned by multiple 40+ year members, were also a hit.

Ian recalls the orchard area around the 15th/16th holes and the time-honoured tradition of picking an apple or pear to eat while moving to the green.  He is hugely complementary regarding the course improvements over the years, most notably the last few years with Craig and his team.  His wish is to have the proposed renovations completed without delay.  He believes that he inherited the course from those before him and that the improvements should be there for those current and future members.

The golf club is part of Ian’s life – he swears his car knows its way here!!  Meeting interesting people with diverse backgrounds, playing with women who now have the same playing opportunities as men, playing with younger people etc. are all aspects of a progressive Club that Ian appreciates and values.

He has served the club well as firstly joining the Disciplinary Committee before taking over as the Chair in 2020 when Chris Hansen joined the Board.  He acknowledges the difficulty this committee raises in members minds but that it is an important part of our governance.  A committee that members are trying to avoid at all costs!  Thankfully he has only had to convene the committee on rare occasions.

After retirement Ian became a Director and Chair of Australian Shareholders for 20 years.  The role is commonly referred to as the Company Monitor.  In this role he was often interviewed on both TV and radio.

Ian, we thank you for your loyalty and contribution to Spring Valley over the last 40 years and we wish you many more years of enjoyment.  When you see Ian on Saturday 7 September, shake his hand, raise a toast to a deep thinking, considerate, true gentleman and valued member of our Club.

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