Temporary Local Rule: Nursery site
Published on 31st May 2022 in Course News, GSC/Pro, Latest News, Public Latest NewsOut of Bounds: Nursery site on holes 2, 3 & 7
18.2: Ball Lost or Out of Bounds: Stroke-and-Distance Relief Must Be Taken
A: When Ball Is Lost or Out of Bounds
(1) When Ball Is Lost. A ball is lost if not found in three minutes after the player or his or her caddie begins to search for it.
If a ball is found in that time but it is uncertain whether it is the player’s ball:
- The player must promptly attempt to identify the ball (see Rule 7.2) and is allowed a reasonable time to do so, even if that happens after the three-minute search time has ended.
- This includes a reasonable time to get to the ball if the player is not where the ball is found.
If the player does not identify his or her ball in that reasonable time, the ball is lost.
(2) When Ball Is Out of Bounds. A ball at rest is out of bounds only when all of it is outside the boundary edge of the course.
A ball is in bounds when any part of the ball:
- Lies on or touches the ground or anything else (such as any natural or artificial object) inside the boundary edge, or
- Is above the boundary edge or any other part of the course.
A player may stand out of bounds to play a ball on the course.
B: What to Do When Ball Is Lost or Out of Bounds
If a ball is lost or out of bounds, the player must take stroke-and-distance relief by adding one penalty stroke and playing the original ball or another ball from where the previous stroke was made (see Rule 14.6).
Exception – Player May Substitute Another Ball under Other Rule When It Is Known or Virtually Certain What Happened to Ball: Instead of taking stroke-and-distance relief, the player may substitute another ball as allowed under a Rule that applies when his or her ball has not been found and it is known or virtually certain that the ball:
- Came to rest on the course and was moved by an outside influence (see Rule 9.6) or played as a wrong ball by another player (see Rule 6.3c(2)),
- Came to rest on the course in or on a movable obstruction (see Rule 15.2b) or an abnormal course condition (see Rule 16.1e),
- Is in a penalty area (see Rule 17.1c), or
- Was deliberately deflected or stopped by any person (see Rule 11.2c).
Penalty for Playing Ball from a Wrong Place in Breach of Local Rule: General Penalty Under Rule 14.7a.
Start Date: 31 May 2022 Cec Bailey – Club Captain