Member Feature- Peter Killen
Published on 12th August 2019 in Public Latest NewsOur members who have been swinging away for decades and are still desperately chasing their first hole-in-one may want to look away now. Spring Valley member Peter Killen has achieved the remarkable feat of not only one hole in one but has accomplished this 10 times including a staggering 9 at Spring Valley! To put this into perspective the odds of an average player making a hole in one are approximate to 12,000 to 1.
Peter recorded his first hole in one at Malvern Valley in 1998, with the following 9 coming at Spring Valley with 8 being in competitions.
The “Official 8” were on:
- July 31, 1999 “Old” 10th, (now our 19th)
- June 5, 2004 5th Hole
- Nov 15, 2006 “New” 10th
- Oct 20, 2007 5th Hole
- Oct 27, 2010 10th
- Apr 26, 2014 10th
- May 7, 2014 10th
- Feb 22, 2017 3rd
Even more unbelievably there was only an 11-day gap between Peter’s 6th and 7th hole in one. One interesting story Peter recalled was one where he was in a Philip Courtney Match where he played with Laurie Litaize against Russell Dovison and his father John Dovison. Having the honour on the 5th Peter aced the hole. John played a lovely shot and as they had to give him a stroke in match play, had he got a birdie, it would have been for a 2, nett 1 = a halved hole. He didn’t get his birdie and so Peter and Laurie won the hole!
Peter said he is still working on achieving his next ace with an eye on his first on the 14th when it returns to play.
The Herald Sun ran a short piece on Peter’s feats on Friday 9th May 2014 (see below).