June Course Report

Published on 28th June 2019 in Guests News

The course has enjoyed a good soak over the past month and a half with above average rainfall for the first time this year. 78.5mm fell in May, 8mm more than the average. This trend has continued with 33.8mm so far this month. This has allowed us to fill 2 out of our 3 storage dams.

The greens have been noticeably softer as a result of all the rain of late which is symptomatic of old greens with a build-up of organic matter.


The 14thgreen is continuing to progress well; the mowing height is now down to 5mm with the green getting cut three times a week. Now that the grass has established enough, it won’t wash out, we have set the sprinklers flush with the surface.  We continue to apply a combination of slow release granular fertiliser as well as a soluble foliar fertiliser on a regular basis. This week the green has shown a few spots of winter fusarium so we have sprayed the green with a fungicide to control this. Work finishing off the bunkers and surrounds continues each week. We are currently on track for an August opening.


At the start of the month, we applied the fungicide Mancozeb to all greens as part of our preventative program for winter fusarium. We will follow this up this week with an application of Heritage Maxx as we have seen a few spots of fusarium in several greens. Earlier this month we applied our first application of penetrant wetting agent (Pervade) for the winter. This assists water penetration which we apply on a monthly basis until spring.

This week we verti drained and dusted the greens to relieve compaction, assist water penetration as well as dilute thatch accumulation and smooth the surface of the greens.



Now that the fairways are going dormant, we won’t apply any more fertilizer on the fairways until spring as the plant won’t take up anything we apply.  

With 3 days of potential frost forecast this weekend and into early next week, this will brown the fairways off and open up the window of opportunity for us to spray the Poa with light rates of Glyphosate in the coming weeks when the couch will completely shut down and the risk of the plant taking up the chemical is minimal.



We have done lots of work in the bunkers this month levelling floors and removing sand off faces.

Once we tick over into the new budget in July, we will start replacing sand in the bunkers identified in the bunker audit. The holes we will be working on this year will be 8, 12, 13, 15, 16.


Irrigation System

Last week we removed the foot valve from the 12thdam as it was not holding prime. I have ordered a new one which we will attach as soon as it arrives.



In the coming month, I plan to spray the roughs on holes 2, 4, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17 where Parramatta grass has not been treated with the herbicide Taskforce. Similar to the fairways this will be sprayed when the couch goes dormant however Taskforce has a long residual in the soil unlike Roundup which has no residual and continues to be taken up by the roots for many months so by the time the couch is coming out of dormancy it will have an effect on the couch which will knock the roughs back significantly. As we have seen in previous years the common couch will come back but this will take several years to thicken up. We will seed these areas with Sheep & Hard fescue the following Autumn to establish a more desirable grass cover for the cooler months with the couch being the dominant grass in the summer months. 

As well as this we will spray the roughs with a light rate of Roundup and broadleaf herbicide to control grass and broadleaf weeds.


Rainfall                                   Total                                        Average

January                                    8.9mm                                    43.2mm

February                                  15.5mm                                  46.9mm

March                                      16.1mm                                  44.9mm

April                                        18.2mm                                  63.2mm

May                                         78.5mm                                  70.5mm

June                                         33.8mm (as at 20th)                57.4mm                                 

Total YTD                                 171mm                                  


David Phillips

Course Superintendent

20 June 2019

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